Friday, February 18, 2011

Today is...

My AMAZING mother's birthday! I wish I was home to go to dinner with the family but since that is not possibly perhaps I will just post this wonderful ballad on here for you...Mamma Mia-ABBA to send my love...I am not sure this song is about a mother but it talks about a Mamma so thats good enough!  I shall also raise a glass to toast to the most wonderful mother out there..she really is the best! I love you Mom Happy Birthday!!
Tomorrow I leave for my first trip, I am going to Copenhagen in Denmark.  We are taking a bus and leaving Sweden at 8:00a.m. and arrive in Copenhagen to explore the city around 12:00p.m. or 6:00a.m. for all of you at home! One of the things I am most excited about for this trip is the fact that there is a Hard Rock Cafe in know what that means...AMERICAN FOOD! I really hope I find it, Kaitlyn and I fully intend on finding it and feasting when we do!  Other than that there is really not a lot planned for us, a tour of the city and a party in the evening and some shopping!  That is all for now I need to finish packing.
Until Next Time!

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